A Case Study On Multiple Isehemic Stroke

17 minutes read . July 3, 2022

Patient Detail

Name Bharat Bahadur Pradhananga
Age 76 years
Sex Male
Occupation Business
Marital Status Married
Economic Status Middle Class
Address Kamaladi, Kathmandu
Education Engineer
Ethnic Group Shrestha
Religion Hindu
Diagnosis Multiple Isehemic Stroke


Nursing Care (24/7)

I would like to extend my thanks to Heal Home Care, Baluwatar for providing me an opportunity to fulfill the requirement.

Submitted By :

Smita Rai




The case study report on “Multiple Isehemic stroke is prepared on the basis of the study performed on this problem during 8 month duty at home care. This case study report is prepared for the fulfillment of requirements of Home care to assist the acknowledgment gained by the staff regarding their allocated Patient.

First of all, I would like to extend my thanks to Home come, Baluwatar for providing me an opportunity to fulfill the requirement.

It is a great pleasure for us to express and grants my special thanks to Home care team and Mrs. Yamuna. Our supervision for the continuous supervision, guidance, encouragement and help. It is indeed a great honor to express our heartfelt gratitude to my co-worker (Nursing staff) and Paradhananga family members for their kind support, help and valuable information.



Home care requires a case study on the disease condition of the patient allocated to each staff during 6 month of their regular service so I have done case study on Multiple Isehemic Stroke.

It aims to enable us as home care to get knowledge about Multiple Isehemic Stroke.

With the help of this case study we will be able to identify the conditions that are responsible to physiological and psychological problems and means by which these problems can be minimize and give holistic nursing care applying nursing process.



General objectives 

At the end of six month of home nursing care practices at Kamaladi at Bharat Bdr. Paradhananga home I will be able to observe and provide holistic care to the clients with problems of Multiple Isehemic Stroke.

By applying nursing process and theory within home itself.

Specific objectives

  • To provide holistic nursing care to patient
  • To apply the knowledge of nursing process.
  • To communicate effectively with client and family members.
  • To gain and upgrade advance knowledge about these disease.
  • To provide health education and preventive measure.
  • To client’s family member.
  • To minimize the stress of patient and his family.


Chief Complain Multiple Isehemic Stroke

  • unilateral body
  • weakness | hemi paresis
  • altered | decreased
  • consciousness
  • slurred | loss of speech
  • headaches
  • convulsions
  • unilateral parenthesis
  • orbital muscle palsy
  • double | loss of vision
  • vomiting | nausea | dizziness
  • facial droop



Past History

There is the history of heart surgery before 7 yrs ago.

Present History

According to informant patient started showing the sign and symptoms sudden numbness or weakness of the face. Arm or leg, especially on side of the body sudden confusion, sudden trouble speaking, sudden trouble walking, unconsciousness.

Recently patient has half body paralysis.

Personal History 

  • Habits –patients had no history of smoking and drinking alcohol
  • Rest and sleep pattern sleep 7 hours at night 11pm to 6 am hare day time nap for 2 hours.
  • Exercise pattern – per day 2 times exercise and 2 times walk.
  • Nutritional pattern – he is non vegetarian. Have a glass of milk at breakfast, rice, dal and vegetable as lunch and dinner.




  1. Systemic Examination

Blood Pressure           –           150/100 mm of Hg

Pulse                           –           82 beats /min

Respiration                 –           22 breaths /min

Temperature               –           98.5 F

Height                         –           165 cm

Weight                                    –           69 kg


  1. General appearance

Weight                           –           unbalance

Posture                        –           Curved

Body build                  –           healthy and wet Nourished

Activity                       –           Passive

Orientation                 –           disorientated

Cleanliness                 –           Maintained


  1. Mental Status

Consciousness            –           Conscious

Orientation                 –           Well oriented


  1. Skin condition

Color                           –           White in Color

Texture                       –           wrinkle Present

Temperature               –           warm.

Scar                             –           No Scar

Edema                         –           lower extremity edema


  1. Head and face

Head                            –           Round in shape, presence of sea

Hair                             –           Black and white evenly distributed in head

Face                            –           Is one side of their face drooping and hard to move


  1. Eyes

Eyelids                        –           No swelling and edema

Eye brows                   –           Evenly distributed and symmetrical

Saliva                          –           white in color

Cornea                        –           Clear

Conjunctiva                –           Pallor


  1. Ears

  • Size and position –           symmetrical
  • No any discharge
  • Hearing capacity intact.


  1. Nose

  • Symmetrical
  • Nasal discharge present.


  1. Mouth             –           No swelling and bleeding.

    Teeth                      –           No artificial teeth

    Tongue                   –           Pink and uncoated

    Tonsils                   –           Not enlarged.


  1. Neck

  • Symmetrical
  • Thyroid gland not palpable
  • No Lymph Node enlargement.


  1. Chest


  • Symmetrical absence of scar.


  • No Lymph node enlargement
  • Bilateral symmetrical factice fermatas.


  • Resonant sound over scapula
  • dull sound over heart, liver and stomach
  • Flat sound over bone.


  1. Abdomen


  • Flat in shape
  • No scar and lesion.
  • Normal skin elasticity


  • Bowel sound was heard


  • Dull sound over 3 plane and liver
  • Tympany over stomach.


  • Liver and spleen wasn’t palpable.


  1. Upper limbs and lower limbs.

  • Symmetrical
  • No extra finger
  • Muscle rigidity with stiffness.
  • Reflex was Present
  • Lower extremity edema.


  1. Genitalia and Anus

  • No swelling, Redness
  • Irritation during urination.
  • No genital deformity.





  1. General Appearance and Behavior


Physical appearance               –           Well Nourished

Height                                     –           165cm

Weight                                    –           69 kg

Level of consciousness          –           Semi conscious

Eye to Eye contact                  –           Not Maintained

Motor and speech activity      –           Passive

Gait                                         –           Uncoordinated


  1. Speed

Reaction time                         –           delay

Productivity                            –           Monosyllable

Volume                                  –           Self muttering

Relevant                                  –           Mostly of target


  1. Mood –           Normal


  1. Thought

Stream                                    –           thought Normal

Form                                       –           self mottering

Delusion                                 –           absent

Idea                                         –           Present

Phobia                                     –           absent


  1. Perception.

Illusion & hallucination         –           absent


  1. Cognition

Orientation          –         Yes oriented to time, place, Person.




·       Difficulty in learning.

·       General deterioration in personal hygiene.

·       Inability to concentrate.



·       Numbness or weakness in your face, arm, or leg especially on one side.

·       Confusion of trouble understanding other people.

·       Difficulty speaking.

·       Problems walking of staying balanced of coordinated.




  • Blood clots (deep vein thrombosis of Pulmonary Embolism
  • Urinary tract infections of UTF.
  • Bowel and bladder problems.
  • Risk of Pneumonia
  • Muscle Weakness.
  • Bed Sores
  • Mobility Problems and falls

Diagnostic Investigation

  • CT Scan
  • Carotid Ultra-Sonography
  • Blood test
  • Angiography
  • Electrocardiography
  • Cerebral angiography
  • Tran cranial Doppler
  • Magnetic resonance angiography


Emergency IV medication.

Emergency endovascular procedures.

  • Medications delivered directly to the brain
  • Removing the clot with a stent retriever

Other procedures

  • Carotid Endraterectomy
  • Angioplasty and stents



Multiple Isehemic Stroke


The blockage reduces the blood flow and oxygen to the brain leading to damage of death of brain cells.


About 8.12 / 1000 person Years, 74 years affected.


  • Genetic factors
  • Lifestyle
  • Environment factors.

Clinical manifestations

  • Right-sided weakness or Paralysis and sensory impairment.
  • Problems with Speech and under understanding language (aphasia).
  • Visual Problems, including the inability to see the right visual field of each eye.
  • Impaired ability to do math of to organize reason, and analyze items.


  • Blood Clots (deep Vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism)
  • Urinary tract infections or OTI Bowel and bladder Problems
  • Risk of Pneumonia
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Bed Sores.
  • Mobility problems and falls.

Diagnostic Investigations

  • Physical exam
  • Blood sugar test
  • Cranial CT Scan
  • MIR
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) to test for abnormal heart rhythms.
  • angiography
  • Cholesterol


  • An IV injection of recombinant Tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) – also called alleplase (Activase) or tenecteplase (TNK case)




S.N Name Dose Route Indication Contra Indication Nursing responsibility
1 Pantop 40 mg oral Gastrities




Joint pain

Follow the 6 night of  drugs
2 Ecosprin 75 mg oral Heart attack stroke and chest pain. Heart related


Blood clotting

Disorder bleeding asthma

Liver/kidney problem

Assess pain and pyrexia or hour before or after meditation
3 Clopid 75 mg oral Chest discomfort /pain

Insufficient oxygen supply to heart muscle, heart attack

Active pathological

Bleeding such as peptic ulcer or intracranial hemorrhage

Monitor patient for signs of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
4 Urader 4 mg oral Lower urinary track symptoms (LUTS)and prostatic hyperplasia Hypersen Sensitivity Monitor the side effect of drug
5 Mylodl 5 mg oral Hypertension Nausea , Headache Monitor vital signs
6 Rozovel 20mg oral High cholesterol Kidney Problems Thyroid Gland Problems Provide medication on time.
7 Mirtaz 7.5mg oral Depression Epilepsy

Lower blood pressure

Monitor vital signs
8 Seloken XL 50 mg oral High blood pressure

Heart related

Chest pain


Thyroid disease


Provide medication on time .




Hematology Investigation

SN Examination








1 Total Count 8230 Cells / cumm 4000 – 11000
2 Differential count
3 Polymorphs 70 % 20 – 70
4 Lymphocytes 25 % 20 – 45
5 Eosinophis 1 % 1 – 6
6 Monocyte 4 % 2 – 15
7 Basophis 0 % 0 – 1
8 PACKED CELL VOLUME (HCT) 35.5 % L 42 – 52
9 Electrical Impedance RBC COUNT 3.98 Minions / cumm L 4.7-6.0
10 MCV 89.2 FL 78 – 100
11 MCH 27.6 PG 27.31
12 MCHC (Electrical Impedance ) 31.0 G/dl L32 – 36
13 PLATELET COUNT electrical impendence 372 103/HL 150 – 400



SN Test Result Reference
1 Urea 16.2 15 – 45
2 Creatinine 1.2 0.7 – 1.2
3 Sodium 137.4 135 – 150
4 Potassium 3.99 3.5 – 5.1
5 Chloride 101.3 96 – 108



Physical Examination
Color Light Yellow
Appearance Slightly Turbid



Reaction  Alkaline
 Albumin Present (+)
Sugar Nil



Pub cells 3.29
RBC 1-2
Epithelial cells Nil
Ca-oxalates Plenty





Today Patient general condition is weak and seems to be sleepy. Patient is disoriented to Place and person and time patient is in normal diet patient frequent urination. Patient Sleep well at night.


Temp                           – 98.5 F

Pulse                           – 82 b/m

Respiration                 – 20 breaths / min.

  Blood Pressure           -160/90mm of HG

Urine output               -10 times decrease urine output



Today Patient Condition is seems to be sleepy. Patient is an aggressive. Patient is in normal diet.


Temp                           – 978F

Pulse                           – 80 b/m

Respiration                 – 22 breaths /min

  Blood Pressure           – 155/90 mm of HG

  Urine output               -15 times decrease urine output



Today Patient looks lethargic and sleepy. Patient Sleep well at night High fever though out the night.


Temp                           -102 F

Pulse                           – 98 b/m

Respiration                 – 24 b/m

Blood Pressure           – 160/100 mm of Hg

Urine output               – 10 times decrease urine output.



Today Patient looks weak but seems to be sleepy. Patient is in normal diet sleep well at night. Patient is bed ridden.


Temp                           –           98.5 F

Pulse                           –           82 b/m

Respiration                 –           22 b/m

Blood pressure            –           170/90 mm of Hg.

    Urine output               –           10 times decrease urine output


Nursing Care Plan


SN Assessment






















Subjective Data

Client family verbalize

He gets anger and attack to anybody.



Altered thought Processes related to irreversible degeneration.



To improve thought Process.



Assess the condition of Patient.




Assessed the neurological





To enhance neurological status.




The Goal met as patient is aware of social values.




Objective Data

Patient is unable to think what is right and wrong and lacks social values.


Provided safety measure.




Provided side rails to prevent fall.



To provide Safety.









Provide cognitive therapy.



Provided Music therapy.





To improve thought process and entertainment


Aware Patient about social norms.



Award patient What is right and wrong.


To enhance though process.


SN Assessment






















Subjective Data

Patient family Complain he wasn’t able to perform daily activities.




Activity intolerance

related to

Muscle stiffness.



To increase

Daily activities performance.



Assess patient in daily activities.



Assessed the neurological





To enhance performance.




The goal was met as client increase desire to engage in activities.




Objective Data

Tiredness and unable to perform daily activities.



Providing oil massage to extremities twice a day.



Provided side rails to prevent fall.



To reduce Muscle








Assist in performing daily exercise.


Assisted in doing exercise of leg and hands.




To improve activity Performance.



Reasons the condition.




Client condition was reassessed.


To evaluate outcome.




SN Assessment






















Subjective Data

Client family verbalize

is having Painful urination and bed wet.



Risk of infection related to compromised personal hygiene and genital care due to urinary incontinence.


To reduce risk of infection.



Assess the condition of Patient.




Assessed the urinary incontinence pattern.





To know the pattern of incontinence.




Goal was met as Patient Feels.




Objective Data

Patient is having urinary incontinence



Perform regularly genital hygiene.



Performed genital care using dettol and warm water.



To reduce risk of infection.









Change the bed sheet and cloth regularly.



Changed the bed Sheet and cloth after each

bed wet.



To enhance Personal hygiene.





Health education is a social science that draws from biological, environmental, Psychological, physical and Medical science to promote hearth and prevent disease, disability and premature death through education.

In order to promote health, I provided health education on.

Diet and hydration

  • Provide easily digestible and label food.
  • Provide small amount of food but frequently.
  • Provide vitamin rich food.

Rest and sleep and Exercise

  • Encourage patient to perform passive range of motion.
  • Provide help to perform activities as the ability of patient.

Personal Hygiene

  • Change the cloth and bed sheet regularly.
  • Provide bed bath.
  • provide Nail care and genital hygiene


  • Provide medication on time.




I started working as a home care nurse since 2073/11/01 till the date from the day of beginning today. I have observed a vast improvement in patient health. Initially the sleeping pattern of patient was altered and Nutritional status was compromised. Further personal hygiene was very poor. But at instant the Nutritional status and personal hygiene of patient highly improved. Patient looks activate and well nourished. We are providing genital care, Nail Care and other Morning care every day that has enhanced the personal hygiene of patient. Moreover patient has improved his physical activities as we are continuously assing patient in Ambulation and defecation.

In addition the family members of patient have got great relief from their responsibilities towards patient. Family members can go to office and outside for their personal work. Patient family members are totally satisfied with Home Care and management team and we nurses.




Nursing a practical based professional profession. How more engaged on nursing care the move we will learn and improve our knowledge and efficiency. Hence I have to say that this home care experience has totally altered my skill and concepts regarding the care of elderly people.

Following are the aspect of improvement in my professional life.

  • Improved my practical knowledge in Geriatric Nursing
  • Develop myself confidence and ability to handle the geriatric cases.
  • Improved My IPR (Inter personal relationship) as I have to directly deal with family members.
  • I got chance to know about the norms and values of different ethnic groups.





  • Limited Medical resources
  • Dealing with family members
  • Managing Manpower


  • Learning about Geriatric case.
  • Improving communication skill.
  • Improve IPR.
  • Enhance practical knowledge.






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